Le mercredi 22 octobre 2014

WARM GRAVES [cinematic rock / Leipzig]

Tarif non communiqué

Warm Graves is an up-and-coming sci-fi-delic 3 piece band from leipzig that evokes a surreal cosmos of dirty analog dystopian scapes. Sliding on hypnotic grids with one song bleeding into the next, the band follows pulsing rythms from heavy handed drums. Haunted vocals shout their way through droning ambience only to be swollowed by the next reverberating wave.
Having just recorded their debut album „Ships Will Come“ they already headed out to play with bands like Moonface, The Soft Moon, Crystal Stilts and Efterklang.


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Régulièrement des concerts et des expositions sont proposés.

Lieu : Stimultania

Adresse : Rue Kageneck

Ville : Strasbourg

Quartier : Quartier Gare

Département : Bas-Rhin

Région : Grand Est

Pays : France

Annoncé anonymement le vendredi 24 juillet 2020
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